Debates & Opinions

Debates & Opinions, Long Paper

The Corruption of a Dream

The struggles between President Zuma and Pravin Gordhan has been portrayed as anti-corruption struggles against one individual and one family. The reality is that what the struggle is about attempts by a black middle class that has been blocked from accessing the commanding heights of the economy, and a white monopoly capitalist class that still exercises enormous power in South African society.
“Behind every great fortune there is a crime” – Balzac
The SASSA scandal currently unfolding is probably the most dramatic expression of how far the African National Congress (ANC) has travelled since its days of opposition to apartheid.

Debates & Opinions, Long Paper

The Long Shadow of the de Klerk Regime

The transition to democracy in South Africa deepened the structural inequalities inherited from apartheid, and notwithstanding the democratic gains the transition has reinforced the power and wealth of the apartheid ruling classes. The current crisis in South Africa owes its origins to these features of the transition.February 1990 stands out as the most important month

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